Mental Health

6 Things You Should Absolutely Run Away From As Fast As You Can

By: Zara Carbonell

While it’s sound advice to face our troubles head on, there are a handful of things we absolutely should run away from.. with grace.

It’s true that when we run away from something, it only delays the consequences of our actions. But it delays the rewards as well. Staying in an unhappy relationship doesn’t make you strong. Staying in an unfulfilling job doesn’t make you responsible. Staying in a city that tears you apart doesn’t make you “mature.”

Sometimes knowing when to run away from something takes more courage than staying.

Take on new challenges, grow through them, learn from them, then keep it or don’t. Our life’s meaning does not bank on a single moment that either makes or breaks it. Our life’s meaning depends on the incremental decisions we make. To try, to learn, to start over, and to know when to run away.

If Apple can debug and update their software a gazillion times a year, we should be able to do the same with our lives. Lace up all your inhibitions, get in your trusted training shoes, head to the starting line of your personal growth and start running.

Unhealthy Habits

Too much or too little of something can be dangerous. Too much binge eating, too much chilling on the sofa, too much alcohol, not enough sleep, not enough movement, or not enough peace of mind. 

Run away from constantly deprioritizing yourself. You and your health are all you’ve got. Run away from the idea that “work is life.” It’s not. Life is life.

Fun fact: 9 out of 10 people are more likely to workout if they start the day in their athletic wear.

Make time to take care of yourself. Send yourself a calendar invite if you must. Get enough sleep, eat better, move a little more. There are so many fitness resources online that are free and easy to follow! If you’re looking for #athleisure pieces, Under Armour has a wide range you can choose from.


To run away from something that no longer serves you is a cup of sanity we all deserve. But running away does not mean ditching your responsibilities. If you should run away, run away from your excuses. To stand up for yourself means to take full responsibility over your decisions. Whether you make good ones, or bad – what matters if you take accountability for all that comes with it.

Toxic relationships

It’s that friend who you constantly have to tiptoe around. It’s that lover you’ve been in more on-off cycles with than Chuck and Blair. It’s that family member who you work too hard to please to the extent of not knowing who you are anymore.

Do yourself a favor. Set yourself free and run away from the toxic relationships you’ve been working too hard to keep. 

Unwarranted criticism

Unwarranted criticism can be discouraging and straight up lethal to a person’s growth and morale, so be careful with the opinions you allow in your mind. Critics often disguise their hate mail behind  “constructive” criticism. And while there are a handful that mean well, know which ones to run away from.

Before you take someone’s criticism, opinion, or evaluation of you, here are a couple of things you may want to ask yourself:

  1. Does this person share the same experiences I do to warrant a valuable opinion?
  2. Does this person know who I am and what I’ve been through to get VIP passes inside my mind?
  3. If I were to act on their advice, will I be able to live with the consequences?

“Criticism is the only reliable form of autobiography.” – Oscar Wilde

Your comfort zone

Change is scary. But you know what’s scarier? Getting to the end of your life realizing you spent most of it on nothing you abso-freaking-lutely loved.

If you should run, run away from the idea of staying stagnant out of comfort. Run away from playing it safe because anything rewarding comes with taking risks. Get yourself out there, try new things, pique your interests, dare to become great at something.

Harmful self-dialogue

We are our biggest bullies. We tell ourselves things we don’t even tell our worst enemies. So if you were to turn to escapism, run away from all your harmful self-dialogue.

You deserve all the respect and compassion you so willingly give the people you love. Instead of focusing on your mistakes and constantly comparing yourself to others, why not learn to declutter your life of the negativity?

We can’t run away from these parts of your life for you, but we can help get you started by helping you let go of some unhealthy decisions.  In fact, Under Armour Philippines is  giving away a pair of training shoes to one lucky lady!

All you have to do is take a photo in any of your Under Armour gear and tell us what you’re doing to start living better. Post it on your instagram story, tag @womensfitnessph and @zaracarbonell and @UnderArmourSouthEastAsia!

The lucky winner will be announced on June 12, 2020 on @womensfitnessph!

Make sure you’re equipped and prepared to take on your course to freedom by checking out Under Armour’s viber community!

Women's Fitness Asia