Embracing the fact that your life is not just about yourself anymore. All my decisions and actions involve someone who is heavily dependent on those.
The hardest thing about being a mom is the mom guilt. I have moments whenever I think I’m not doing enough or giving enough to my child. I think this guilt comes from wanting to be the parent I can be and can be hard on myself at times because it’s something that matters to me a lot.
Probably being a role model to him. I am not perfect and it’s hard for me sometimes to practice what I preach. Hahahaha!
Being a mom is never easy, you have to be available 24/7 and there’s no day off. There’s also a constant pressure that I put on myself to ensure that I’m raising them well.
Watching them grow and loving me back without hesitation. Just hearing them say ” I love you mama, you are the best” is the most rewarding thing to hear and feel.
Seeing my child grow with compassion and love for himself and for others. Nurturing him with love at a young age can show a glimpse on how he will turn out when he grows up.
The most rewarding is seeing her happy and smile. It makes all the sacrifices and worries worth it. A child’s joy is priceless.
Seeing my son grow up into a responsible student and a kind hearted human being :)
I workout or relax in the bed watching Netflix
Since watching TV series is quite complicated with a hyperactive boy who keeps hogging the remote, I read articles, or I edit videos from our previous bike rides.
I unwind by practicing yoga and setting self care routines like decluttering, reading, listening to podcasts, etc
I love watching Netflix at the end of the day. Kdrama and documentaries. I also like baking shows even if I don’t bake :)
What was the most surprising thing you discovered DURING pandemic?
The most surprising thing I discovered about being a mom during pandemic is the resilience. I wasn’t sure how I was going to manage working multiple jobs, keeping my household running smoothly while also helping my daughter with distance learning. It was overwhelming at first but somehow we all managed to make it work.
Being a mom during a pandemic is a bit tougher because you have to supervise and be there during online distance learning and all hats are played ( teacher, mother, tutor, playmate etc). I love that we get to do things together and they enjoy every bit of it but when it comes to school hahahaha It’s a different thing. Trust me, patience is very important.
There are a lot of things to learn with my child even at the confines of our home. We can enjoy the simple things together.
I discovered that being a work from home mom is actually possible :)
My most memorable milestone was our first long haul flight. My daughter had just turned 1 and we were initially worried how we would manage a 13 hour flight with just my husband and I tag teaming taking care of her. Really glad we did and it was a wonderful trip.
So many milestones. But I think the most current one would be my son adjusting so well to online schooling. It is truly a milestone.
When Justin was in play school at 2 years old and I was looking at him from a window, he had to share paint with another kid for an activity. When the other kid wanted to use it, Justin pushed the paint closer to him, so the kid can use it more comfortably. It showed that a young age, he already had a sense of compassion.
Milestone for my kids during this pandemic is that they learn how to plant, clean and cook. We do things together and they love it. As for being a mom, I learn how to pivot and make things work. I was able to reach the goals that I want during this pandemic too. Everyday is quality time for us.
My most memorable milestone was our first long haul flight. My daughter had just turned 1 and we were initially worried how we would manage a 13 hour flight with just my husband and I tag teaming taking care of her. Really glad we did and it was a wonderful trip.
So many milestones. But I think the most current one would be my son adjusting so well to online schooling. It is truly a milestone.
Milestone for my kids during this pandemic is that they learn how to plant, clean and cook. We do things together and they love it. As for being a mom, I learn how to pivot and make things work. I was able to reach the goals that I want during this pandemic too. Everyday is quality time for us.
When Justin was in play school at 2 years old and I was looking at him from a window, he had to share paint with another kid for an activity. When the other kid wanted to use it, Justin pushed the paint closer to him, so the kid can use it more comfortably. It showed that a young age, he already had a sense of compassion.
When I became a mom, that was the only time I finally grew up :) -Cathy
Most surprising is how strong one can be. When you have a little one counting on you, you can move mountains if needed. The love for a child can do that :) -Isabel
That being a mom is never easy, it looks easy but it’s not. It’s the hardest job and at the same time the most rewarding one too. There’s no template on how to be the best mom, even after having 2 kids.It’s really a constant learning and finding ways that work for you and for your kids. -Nicole
I knew this even before having a child but experiencing this is as mom is immeasurable: the joy of having one is the best feeling. A single hug from Justin makes my day bright already. -Patty
Reach out, Be Heard, Be Felt.