Health & Wellness

Radiant Resilience: Inspiring Women Who Share Light Through Dark Times

By: Women’s Fitness Asia

One might think that people who are going through or who went through trying and painful times in their lives have already used up what energy they possess to serve others. The three people we’re featuring in this article are inspiring and admirable women who were still able to find in their hearts to share themselves with people, despite what could be considered exhausting and draining experiences.

Charity Marohombsar, the Life Doula (Cancer Coach)

When people hear about grief and death, they immediately think about grim and darkness. These are topics known to make most uncomfortable. Charity Marohombsar though, a stage 4 breast cancer survivor herself, possess the extraordinary strength to help cancer patients and their families process grief and accept and prepare for the possibility of death. Where can someone draw such strength and selflessness to offer this kind of service to people?

To Charity, it’s from her own journey from fear to faith when she was battling with cancer in 2016. She was inspired by what she herself saw cancer patients and their families need to navigate through the ambiguity of their situation. She teaches them the importance of time. That every day is a gift, especially to them who come face to face with death every day.

Patricia Lim, Cancer Thriver Coach

Cancer survivors have so much healing to do after what they went through. There are emotional and physical aspects of themselves they need to rebuild. As much as the miracle of surviving the most dreaded disease there is could be powerful, the journey back to health is not at all easy. This is where Patricia Lim, another cancer survivor, found herself needed and has embarked on this journey since 2017, when she was diagnosed with breast cancer.

Patricia has an extensive background in the field of HR and training. How these are related to learning and well being development is helping her a lot in leading cancer survivors back to a life of significance and purpose. She inspires and shows them the path away from the dark and continuously towards light and hope.

Ana Castro, Founder, Haven for Warriors

Parenting itself, although immensely rewarding, is physically and emotionally draining. Guiding another human being to growth is a huge responsibility and can understandably make parents often doubt themselves. Exhaustion and doubt surely are doubled to parents of children with special needs, like for Ana Castro, a single mother to a 16-year-old son in the spectrum.

Playing this role on her own leaves Ana no time to rest. It leaves her feeling overwhelmed and depleted. It is only amazing how she’s still able to gather the strength to put up Haven for Warriors and create a space for parents with special needs child and eventually grow it to a space for warriors. Ana recognizes that warriors get tired too and may reach a point of giving up. She wanted to provide them space to breathe and be vulnerable, help them find the strength to go back to a resourceful state, and guide them to discover ways to resolve their issues. She provides warriors a place to dress their wounds and relax their tensed bodies so they can continue to soldier on for their loved ones.

In a world where life seems to get harder, where people are forced to switch to survival mode and focus on their own needs, there’s Charity, Patricia, and Ana who sees people suffering and want to show them kindness. They hope that this way, kindness can be passed on and we all get to feel less lonely and more understood. If you’re in need of the kind of energy that people like Charity, Patricia, and Ana are selflessly sharing, meet them and other like-minded people in an event by Kimilu, happening this coming August 26 in Pasay City. They’re here for you to listen and help process what it is that you’re going through.

Want to learn more about these Three Admirable Women?

Join Kimilu’s #SacredOpenHouse2023 on August 26, 2023, and get an Immersive Holistic Experience with these three inspiring women. Click the button below to register.

About the SacredSpace Certification

The SacredSpace Certification Program is a holistic program by Kimilu designed to empower thought leaders, trailblazers, decision-makers, consultants, trainers, and coaches in their desire to serve clients, teams and community members with a heart-centered approach through her distinct mind-body-spirit framework.

Her utmost desire is for leaders to be unapologetic about being the best version of themselves through the purposeful work that they do and celebrate it.

The next batch for the program is slated for January-March 2024 (three 3-day weekends) and will be held in person for the first time at The Farm at San Benito in Batangas.

Women's Fitness Asia