Health & Wellness

#SacredOpenHouse2023: An Immersive Holistic Experience

By: Women’s Fitness Asia

Pioneer life coach in the Philippines to lead one-of-a-kind holistic community event at Artelano 11 for heart-centered leaders.

In the last 3 years, connecting with people shifted from in-person to virtual, and online communities became a lifeline. Now that the world has opened up again, we have the opportunity to nurture the friendships that began over messaging and meeting apps in real life – and make new connections with like-minded people.

On August 26, the country’s pioneer life and leadership coach, Kimilu, will be leading the #SacredOpenHouse2023, an experiential community event to be held at Artelano 11 in Pasay City, where attendees have the chance to immerse themselves in what she calls a ‘sacred space.’

“A sacred space is a safe space where you can fill your own cup first. We hear the adage ‘you can’t pour from an empty cup’ and there is so much truth in this. A sacred space is where love and healing abound – for yourself and others. You can be yourself without the fear of judgment, and there is a sense of coming home to yourself after being lost or stuck in life. It’s a place for you to land on and where you can be seen and held just as you are, which was something people were searching and longing for during the height of the pandemic,” Kimilu shares.

Kimilu holding space during a retreat

Kimilu started as a life coach in 2010, a time when life coaching in the Philippines was unheard of. Since then, she has been working with heart-centered leaders seeking more meaning, purpose and contentment and who want to support their teams in a holistic way through her corporate programs.

“I’ve made it my mission to bring the spark back in people’s eyes – to reignite their inner light that may have dimmed for whatever reason.”

In 2020, she launched the #SacredSpaceCertification, a program that combines the best holistic tools she’s learned from all over the globe anchored in her own mind-body-spirit framework to serve as a foundation for visionaries, change-makers and trailblazers who want to create an impact through their work, business or vocation.

“When I started life coaching in 2010, I felt alone because there was no one else doing this kind of work and holistic practices were quite taboo. So now, there are SacredSpace Holders who are using these tools and have their own holistic practices – and I want to help introduce them to the world.”

To date, there are 86 graduates or Certified SacredSpace Holders, and some of them will be leading the activities during the August 26 event. This is the first SacredSpace Open House to be held in person, and the first time a good number of SacredSpace Holders will be together at one event.   

Kimilu with Batch 6 graduates of the SacredSpace Certification

The event will be divided into four 20-minute experiences housed in different areas of Artelano 11: A cleansing ritual at the beginning followed by holistic exercises that aim to bring balance to the mind, body and spirit. There will also be a Sacred Market featuring brands owned by SacredSpace Holders that have mindfully crafted items and energy healing tools such as crystals, gemstone bracelets and candles.

Among the featured brands are Gems of Tranquility, Soule Vibe, Rubber Soul PH, The Healthy Oven, XOX SAS, Ecoglam MNL, and The Purposeful Table. Attendees will also have the chance to purchase #ManifestStories Volume 1, a collection of real-life manifestation stories and the first book published by Kimilu Love and Light.

“Through the #SacredOpenHouse2023, we aim to be able to share with you the different practices and specialties of our Certified SacredSpace holders. We want you to meet them and experience their tender space holding abilities. On this day, we also hope to inspire more people to become Certified SacredSpace Holders themselves. We need more people who are creating safe and sacred spaces for their families, teams, companies, communities, and especially for themselves,” adds Kimilu.

About the SacredSpace Certification

The SacredSpace Certification Program is a holistic program by Kimilu designed to empower thought leaders, trailblazers, decision-makers, consultants, trainers, and coaches in their desire to serve clients, teams and community members with a heart-centered approach through her distinct mind-body-spirit framework.

Her utmost desire is for leaders to be unapologetic about being the best version of themselves through the purposeful work that they do and celebrate it.

The next batch for the program is slated for January-March 2024 (three 3-day weekends) and will be held in person for the first time at The Farm at San Benito in Batangas.

About Kimilu

Kimilu has been guiding growth-seekers and heart-centered leaders through individual and corporate well-being programs and workshops since 2010. She received her certification at the Bennet Stellar University in San Diego, California. Since becoming the pioneer life coach in the Philippines, she’s been obsessed with learning from mentors and teachers all over the globe and sharing the tools and knowledge she received with everyone, particularly her #protons community. The sessions and experiences she co-creates are focused on self-discovery, self-healing, and self-mastery. Find her on Instagram at @kimilulifecoach.

Women's Fitness Asia