Special Feature

Sweat and Slay: Celebrating Women’s Strength at The Movement Studio with Wacoal

By: Women’s Fitness Asia

Imagine a room filled with doctors, corporate leaders, pro athletes, and entrepreneurs – all fierce females united by their hustle and their desire to succeed. That’s exactly how The Movement Studio celebrated this year’s international women’s month, through “Sweat & Slay.”

The Movement Studio is dedicated to serving its movers with sustainable fitness through weighted HIIT workouts led by their reliable movement coaches or as they them “MCs.” This fitness studio located in BGC is known for its “all-in-one” kind of fitness, focusing on both cardio and body sculpting, all while having fun – and their women’s month initiative was nothing short of a fun yet strength-focused workout.

Sweat & Slay was a celebration of womanhood across varying age groups, professions, and body types as TMS turned their SweatCave into a safe space for their female movers to take pride in their work and life successes while learning to own they spaces they took up. 


MC Ida Paras led the charge with a 60-minute sweat sesh that left everyone feeling empowered (and maybe a little sore). Followed by Wacoal Philippines’ engaging discussion of “The Spiral Ageing Pattern,” giving participants a better understanding of the changes their bodies go through over time. This knowledge, coupled with TMS’ expert fitness guidance, offered a unique blend of practical information. Women learned to listen to their bodies, adjust workout routines for optimal results, and even consider the impact of their menstrual cycles on their fitness journeys.

After the jampacked session, the ladies in attendance were treated with post-workout grub from Salad Stop, hydration from Vida Philippines, and a few bottles of #FlavorFun beer from Jade’s Temple Brewery as they took the time to mingle and get to know each other. It was an afternoon filled with strong female energy and definitely a show of force of what can be done when women-founded and women-led businesses work together. 

Sweat & Slay was a beautiful reiteration of the importance of having female role models, even for those we already look up top. And sometimes, all it takes is just the presence of another fearless female to remind you that you don’t have to force yourself to choose between this or that. That  you can be ambitious and compassionate, fierce and supportive, leaders and partners. They you sweat it out in the SweatCave and still slay your professional goals.

That while we will always be tested by the multiple hats we wear and the seemingly neverending to-do lists, showing up for ourselves and prioritizing our health should always have room in our google calendars.
And while the International Women’s Month comes to an end, we choose to take on a new narrative – where women stand with each other, cheering on our victories big and small, and create a space where support reigns supreme.

So, here’s to moving beyond Women’s Month and carrying the “Sweat and Slay” torch by booking your next class the TMS SweatCave!

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    Women's Fitness Asia