Mental Health

The Silver Lining of Being Diagnosed with Anxiety Disorder: A Methodical Approach to Managing Anxiety

The Silver Lining of Being Diagnosed with Anxiety Disorder: A Methodical Approach to Managing Anxiety

By Lara Monica Magat

It’s been 6 years since I was diagnosed with Generalized Anxiety Disorder.

It’s 3:15PM and I see a friend’s message that reads, “How are you?”

Ever since the enhanced community quarantine was implemented in Metro Manila, I can’t recall how many times I’ve been asked that very question. Numerous people have reached out to check how I’ve been coping — or if I’m coping at all. 

Each time, I struggle finding my words. It’s been 6 years since I was diagnosed with Generalized Anxiety Disorder. Naturally, I’m probably not doing okay — I’m probably struggling more than the others. 

Processing my mental state, in my repeated attempts to come up with a response, prompted a realization. Contrary to what’s “expected,” I am actually doing okay. Anxiety is something that I deal with most of the time, so I know exactly how to manage it.

Of course, anxiety is not exclusive to those with disorders. This pandemic threatens several aspects of our lives; therefore, feeling anxious is quite a normal response. To those who are still struggling, I thought it might be worth sharing the methodical approach I learned through years of dealing with it.

Lara Monica Magat

Lara is known for having a big heart—her compassion for people knows no boundaries. She often engages in conversations about different, often uncharted, struggles of people. She effortlessly creates a safe, honest, no-frills space, where everyone can speak without fear of judgement. She leads a multifaceted career as an HR Professional — Diversity & Inclusion, Continuous Improvement (Lean Sigma - Greenbelt), Project Management, Process & Policy Expertise, Customer Experience and Facilitation. Outside work, she’s a devout Yogi and a passionate advocate of Mental Health, Gender Balance and LGBT Inclusion.

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