By: Gelie Dela Pena

As a yoga teacher, it is not uncommon for students to ask about the 7 chakras. After all, yoga does play a big role in opening and balancing out the chakras through consistent practice. But for non-practitioners, the chakras might sound so foreign and unfamiliar. So here’s a beginner’s guide to the 7 chakras.

What are Chakras?

Chakra is sanskrit for wheel or disk. This refers to the spinning energy centers found in seven specific areas in the upper body. These 7 areas correspond to where the major organs, glands, and groups of nerves are located. Each chakra serves a specific function in the body and is represented by 7 chakra colors and sound vibrations. When your chakras are open, aligned and balanced, your overall physical, mental and emotional well-being greatly benefit. 

Prana or Life Energy flows through the chakras to sustain our body’s health and vitality. However, when one or more of the chakras are blocked, the harmony and balance of the rest of the body also gets affected. Blocked chakras are caused by emotionally upsetting situations, such as: conflict, loss, trauma, or an accident. It can also be blocked by everyday stressors like fear, anxiety, and more stress.

Becoming more familiar with the 7 chakras is the first step to learning how to balance them. Understand your chakras and take a stride towards your daily wellness and happiness!

The First Chakra: Muladhara, The Root Chakra

The word muladhara, comes from the words Mula, which means root and Dhara, which means support. This chakra’s role is to connect all of your energy with the Earth, with your core beliefs, and your sense of grounding. This chakra is located at the base of your spine, around the area of your tailbone, and correlates to your pelvic floor and organs of elimination.  

When this chakra is blocked, a person may feel anxious, uneasy and in-danger. They are usually in a state of “fight or flight” even if there is no threat. Physical manifestations of a blocked root chakra are constipation, frequent Urinary Tract Infection, Hip pain, and ovarian cysts in women or prostate issues in men.

To balance your Root Chakra, it is important to take care of your “survival needs”. You can start by evaluating and sorting out your finances, or managing the roots of your anxieties.

Meditate on the color RED while chanting the sound vibration “Lam.”

The Second Chakra: Svadhisthana, The Sacral Chakra

Svadhisthana translates to “the place of the self.” This chakra is about your identity and is the center of your creative energy. It is also the center of a person’s sexuality and zest for life. The sacral chakra is located in the area of the navel, just below the belly button, and corresponds to your reproductive system.

Pleasure is a good thing, and we should never feel guilty for enjoying the good things life has to offer. But if we indulge ourselves too much to the point that it is no longer healthy, then our second chakra may fall out of balance or even be blocked. Manifestations of a blocked Sacral Chakra are hormonal imbalances, sexual insecurity, addiction, and restlessness.

To balance the second Chakra, you can begin by asking yourself if your habits and decisions are healthy and nourishing to your body and mind. You can start by simplifying your daily schedule, your living space, and your lifestyle habits. 

Meditate on the color ORANGE while chanting the sound vibration “Vam.”

The Third Chakra: Manipura, The Solar Plexus Chakra

The third chakra is the Solar Plexus or the Manipura, which translates to “lustrous gem.” This chakra is the center of self-confidence and personal power. It is located in the center of the belly button and up towards the base of the breastbone, and corresponds to one’s digestive system.

When the Solar Plexus chakra is blocked, a person has a weak sense of worth, confidence, and motivation. This can translate to insecurity, lack of compassion, or even anger. A person with a blocked Solar Plexus may have weak core muscles, low back pain, and may suffer from digestive issues or eating disorders.

To balance the third chakra, begin by evaluating your eating habits and food choices. You may add core strengthening exercises and upper body twisting movements into your work-out. Identify your talents and skills and dedicate some time each day in developing and mastering them.

Meditate on the color YELLOW while chanting the sound vibration “Ram.”

The Fourth Chakra: Anahata, The Heart Chakra

By definition, “Anahata” translates to “unhurt.” The Heart Chakra is the center of love, compassion and kindness located at the center of the chest.

A person with a blocked fourth chakra has weak personal boundaries and tends to make unhealthy choices, all in the name of love. It becomes difficult to feel close or connected to other people. Other manifestations may include heart conditions and interpersonal relationship issues.

To balance the heart chakra, begin with practicing compassion to yourself and to others. You can start volunteering with organizations that focus on helping others. 

Meditate on the color GREEN while chanting the mantra “Yam.”

The Fifth Chakra: Visshuddha, The Throat Chakra

The Throat chakra or Vishuddha is about speaking your truth with clarity, kindness, and neutrality. It’s rooted from Vishuddha’s semantic definition which means “very pure.” You know exactly what words are appropriate for the situation and HOW to say it. This is also the chakra in charge of strengthening the skill of listening without judgement. It is located at the center of your collarbones, at the base of the neck. 

A blocked Throat chakra may manifest in the tendency of interrupting others, speaking with a very loud voice because of the fear of not being heard, or being very shy and timid because of their inability to express themselves. Physically, they may also suffer from throat pain, frequent infections, cavities or mouth ulcers.

To balance the fifth chakra, ask yourself these questions that were taught by the Buddha, before speaking: “IS IT TRUE? IS IT NECESSARY? IS IT KIND?”

Meditate on the color BLUE while chanting the mantra “Ham.”

The Sixth Chakra: Ajna, The Third Eye Chakra

This chakra is located in between your eyebrows and is the center of intuition. Ajna translates to “beyond wisdom,” as it corresponds to the pineal gland. Because it is responsible for your cognitive thinking, it also affects how you perceive the world around you.

When the Third Eye chakra is  blocked, a person tends to doubt their decisions, which makes them easily manipulated. Physically, they may have frequent headaches or have problems with allergies and sinuses.

To balance the sixth chakra, commit to a regular mindfulness practice where you simply close your eyes and begin to notice your surroundings using your 5 senses without getting involved or distracted by other thoughts in your mind.

Meditate on the color VIOLET and chant the mantra “Aum.”

The Seventh Chakra: Sahasrara, The Crown Chakra

This chakra is the center of pure consciousness energy which connects us to everything and everyone. Sahaswara translates to “thousand petaled,” and is located at the very top of your head. This chakra is  believed to be at the center of your connection to all of creation.

When this chakra is blocked, a person has a weak or no sense of connection to the Divine. Their thoughts and beliefs are clouded by their own ego. 

To balance this chakra, all the other six chakras must be balanced. Meditate on the mantra “I am one with all, and all is within me.”

Visualize the color INDIGO while chanting the sound vibration “Om”.

As you begin to become more familiar with your chakras and the roles they play in your life, remember that your chakras need not be in perfect balance ALL THE TIME. 

Let go of the pressure and embrace all that comes with life. There will always be something that will push us off-balance for a while, and that’s okay. What is important is that you commit to taking care of your body, mind, and spirit every day with the intention of also creating as much balance and harmony in your chakras through your daily habits and choices.

To find out the current state of your chakras, take this free 7 chakra test and begin your journey towards more vitality, health, and joy.

May you be well, may you be happy. Namaste!

Gelie Dela Pena
Gelie Dela Pena
Growing up with a love for mindful movement, Gelie has been sharing the gift of yoga and meditation
to her local community in Baguio since 2015. She believes that every person
has the capability to heal themselves and has the capacity to change their life
by creating more physical, emotional and mental space for joy, purpose, and
breakthrough. Her intention is to witness every person she works with
be able stand in their own unique power and SHINE BRIGHT!