By Women’s Fitness Philippines

Dear mom,

There are a hundred things I wish I knew then; a hundred things, I’m just finally learning to understand. 

It may have taken another life to come into this world but as a daughter-turned mother, I finally get it now. 

Mothers never settle for less

I never fully understood why you always pushed to give me only the best things in life. Now, I realize that moms only want the best for their children. The best and nothing less. 

I finally understand the depth and breadth of everything you did and continue to do for us. Thank you for always giving us the best of yourself. Your time, care, and unconditional love. And at times, I need a hand.  It gives me peace knowing Malik is taken care of by his grandmother.

–  Mau Barrameda

Mothers love unconditionally

You taught me that unconditional love meant putting your child first – sometimes, even before yourself.

I never quite knew how completely selfless of a mother you were, until I was challenged to do the same. I’m finally learning that even mothers aren’t perfect. I’ve made decisions, some good and others that aren’t. And everytime  I’m at a crossroad, I find myself asking “what would my mom do?”

I found courage in knowing that if I believed you could have conquered the obstacle I was facing, then I could, too. It brings me the most comfort and relief knowing I was raised by a great woman.

–  Rhia Ylagan

Mothers are always prepared for more

I grew up with a refrigerator always full of supplies, even if my parents only had my brother and I. It was always more than enough, whether on the dining table or in our lunch boxes, there always was a little more.

When you’re a mom, you want to make sure your children have more than enough. Enough to share, enough to spare. Giving them a little more made them feel more secure and loved, and that’s all a mother could ask. I finally understand that her love language was giving and giving in kind. I know because as a mom, I’m finding that mine is, too.

–  Phacharanan Thiranithitnan

The little things count twice

Love is spelled with the little things that matter most – I understand this now.

It amazes me how you were able to tolerate all 5 of us, when we weren’t the easiest bunch to deal with. I have 2 children and I’m already going crazy. But even then you managed to show up all the times it mattered.

From waking up in the middle of the night to massage my hand or scratch my back when it’s itchy to spending your Saturdays waiting for my ballet classes to finish. For waking up at 4 am to unlock the house to let me in, and even making me (early) breakfast before I fell asleep. Thank you for every birthday celebration you gave me.

Thank you for bringing me where I needed to go in spite of the EDSA traffic. For taking me to school, to work, and even to the hospital when I needed to give birth! 

Thank you for being the wonder woman that you are.

– Ali cedula

Motherhood is the toughest job of all

I’ve only been a mom for 114 days and I’m just now learning how tough this job really is. I didn’t know motherhood requires this much energy, patience, and sacrifice.

I didn’t think motherhood required this much love. As I write this, Laura is (finally – after 2 hours of cradling) peacefully asleep. And as I reflect back on how I grew up, I’m realizing how tough being a mom to us for the past 32 years has been.

I can’t thank you enough for all the love you’ve given to us. Much so, that there is an overflow that flows from your heart, to mine, and now to Laura’s.

Motherhood may be the toughest job of all, but you sure endured your journey and continue to amaze us by passing motherhood with all the flying colors.

Hugging you is still my top 1 in the list of things to do once ECQ is lifted.

–  Joanne Gamo

All those years of looking out for me. All the love and the patience, thank you for being the person you are. Motherhood didn’t come with instructions. Motherhood isn’t anywhere close to simple, and yet you did and became the greatest at it.

You did it with so much love that overflows through my heart and my life forever – and for that I will be forever grateful.

Happy mother’s day, to the light of our homes.

We love you, unconditionally.