It has been a month of home quarantine and our “regular” routine has been confined, well, in our homes. Hair roots growing, nails unpolished, eyelashes falling off – we can deal with that, maybe. How about skin care? If part of your skin care regimen is to regularly go to the derma and you haven’t more than a month now, what are your options? Maybe you’re not that type. Then you suddenly notice little bumps coming out of your face unnaturally, why? With all the limitations in what we can get and we can do, there are tons of change right in front of our faces.

Let’s start with the skin on your face, shall we?

We have consulted with

Dra. Kaycee Reyes-Bacani of Luminisce

to enlighten us. Here are some of the possible reasons for breakout during quarantine period.

Getting Lazy with Skin Care Routine

Most of us get lazy with skincare routine  resulting to less exfoliation and more congestion.

External Factors at Home

We are still exposed to factors in our homes that might contribute to breakout. Most of us are always on our phones and computer keyboards that could contribute to bad hygiene. Exposure to artificial lights from gadgets and vapors from cooking could also contribute to breakout.


Stress increases our cortisol level which can promote oil production which may clog our pores.

Stress Eating

Quarantine period makes us more prone to stress eating. Try to stay away for high glycemic index food (high in carbohydrates and starches) and too much dairy products which make us prone to breakout.

Lack of Vitamins

We lack Vitamin D from the sun and our diet. Vitamin D is very important to boost immunity. Low immunity is first seen on the skin– as you can it becoming more dry and dull.

Try to stay away from
high glycemic index food

What can be done or what can we do to avoid it:

1) Maintain a good topical routine. Wash with alpha or beta hydroxy acid containing cleanser. Hydrate with a good moisturizer. You may use anti-inflammatory products like Benzoyl peroxide (should be less than 5% to make it less irritating)
2) Eat intelligently. (stay way from starchy food and food high in dairy)
3) Relax and meditate.
4) Take Vitamin B, C, D, zinc supplements to boost immunity.



Women's Fitness Philippines
Women's Fitness Philippines

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