By: Zenia Lei Cruz

It has been an up and down year for us, so perhaps now is the time to recharge, seek new inspiration, and reflect.

As an introvert, I have mastered the art of entertaining myself. I usually don’t mind spending time alone but honestly not everything I do alone nourished me. There have been days where life is a complete cycle of yesterday’s event. It tends to get boring and draining.

While there is always work to do, we should not be ashamed of taking time to fill our cups. We have to understand that taking a step back is not only physically necessary but also important for our mental health. I often remind myself that the more I take care of my own well-being, the more I can take care of others. Having that said, I dedicate a day of my week when I will take time off and recharge. As for me, Sunday is sacred.

We have to understand that taking a step back is not only physically necessary but also important for our mental health. .”

Get some headspace

When you learn to slow down and stop your mind from spiraling, you can live life in a more authentic and intentional way – embracing good and bad experiences, and being fully present. This is an opportunity to rediscover yourself, find joy in the little things, and fall in love with yourself.

Clearing your mind and allowing it to take only what helps you grow gives you some space to cultivate self-love. Do activities that make you feel good. Dress up, pamper yourself, indulge in skin care, nourish your soul in whatever way it wants to be nourished.

Here are some ideas you can try:

  • Box Breathing
  • Brain dump on your journal
  • Go for a walk
  • Take personality quiz online just for fun
  • Take a long shower
  • Watch your favorite show

Prepare a healthy meal

I can’t think of a better way to show yourself love and care than to actually feed yourself good food. Food made with healthy ingredients has a way of making us feel better physically and emotionally. It doesn’t have to be complicated. Simple yet fun and healthy meal recipes are everywhere. You can try baking too!

Space exploration

With physical clutter comes mental clutter.

Open surfaces provide a sense of space, not just in literal sense but for your mind too. This means providing an area to display your plants, local market finds, and books while keeping tables and other surfaces clear. It also means to simultaneously making sure you keep away cables, keys, and other items that are easily left lying around.

Start with a simple reorganizing of the areas you use often.

  • Tidy your workspace.

An open and clutter free working space can promote creativity. Get your head straight about what matters, and remove anything that you think can distract you from being productive. For most of us, excessive physical possessions are not making us happy. Even worse, they are taking us away from the things that do.

Clear as many items as possible. Discard or file any paperwork and receipts that have accumulated. Have a designated space for each item and practice putting them back where they belong once you’re done using them. Your items shouldn’t be ghosted too, you know?

  • Try indoor gardening.

While at home, we do not stay in a single spot for the whole day. We need a space where we can breathe literally and figuratively. A simple garden or a lounge with plants improves the house by making the area more comfortable, soothed, and natural which is perfect for quick breaks. It also helps remove toxins and purify the air.

Sometimes the perception is that adding nature will involve more task in cleaning and maintenance but that’s not always the case. There are a lot of low maintenance indoor plants you can choose from such as Golden Pothos, spider plant, sansevieria Bacularis, and Bamboo plants.

Through thoughtfully planning, you can integrate open areas and nature, and really create a space to relax and unwind.

Ultimately, you are the best judge of your needs. Ask yourself, “Is there any area in my life I could simply take the pressure off?” You deserve to have that time, and you deserve to feel calmer and happier in your day-to-day life. A Reset day gives you the power of a fresh start – so ALWAYS take it!

A Reset day gives you the power of a fresh start.❤️

Zenia Lei Cruz
Zenia Lei Cruz
Zenia is a multipotentialite – a certified bookkeeper and registered cost accountant by profession and a creative and growth mindset purveyor by passion. She is independently insightful and creatively sensual. Her feminine side is her strength, a combination of delicate intellect and high class intuitiveness. Her toughness is neither loud nor provoking. She embodies sweet confidence –– truly charismatic with an aura that resonates quality and serenity.

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