Insert Event Title Here

But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and I will give you a complete account of the system, and expound the actual teachings of the great explorer of the truth, the master-builder of human happiness. No one rejects, dislikes, or avoids pleasure itself, because it is pleasure, but because those who do not know how to pursue pleasure rationally encounter consequences that are extremely painful.


Early Bird: P2,000

Regular: P2,100

Assembly Time: 3:30 AM

Gun start: 4:00 AM


Early Bird: P2,000

Regular: P2,100

Assembly Time: 3:30 AM

Gun start: 4:00 AM


Early Bird: P1,350

Regular: P1,500

Assembly Time: 5:00 AM

Gun start: 5:45 AM


Early Bird: P1,350

Regular: P1,500

Assembly Time: 5:00 AM

Gun start: 5:45 AM


Early Bird: P1,350

Regular: P1,500

Assembly Time: 5:00 AM

Gun start: 5:45 AM


Early Bird: P1,500

Regular: P1,750

Assembly Time: 5:00 AM

Gun start: 5:30 AM


Early Bird: P1,500

Regular: P1,750

Assembly Time: 5:00 AM

Gun start: 5:30 AM


Early Bird: P1,500

Regular: P1,750

Assembly Time: 5:00 AM

Gun start: 5:30 AM


Early Bird: P1,500

Regular: P1,750

Assembly Time: 5:00 AM

Gun start: 5:30 AM

You Still Got Time to Register!

Your well-deserved weekend retreat
Mind and Body Wellness Retreat

Frequently Asked Questions

We are all in a fitness journey finding the right fit of products, services, activities that fit our lifestyle. More often than not, we find ourselves falling short or going back to our old ways unable to pursue our commitment to be fit. We have to remind ourselves, it is a journey. And in this journey, you are not alone and never alone. Women’s Fitness collaborates with women who are experts in their field, women who have experienced the same challenges you face and women who have gone farther in the journey, to share their passion, energy and expertise connecting the mind, body and spirit. Women’s Fitness becomes a space where women educate women, women support women, and women empower women through sharing of knowledge and experience through our platform as a digital space, workshops and events as a real space to interact and create meaningful engagement for you, for us.

You can expect new articles being published in our website from our inspiring collaborators. We have upcoming Events and Conventions that supports women and women empowerment.

Mind and Body Wellness Retreat is an event that aims to promote Health and Wellbeing. WFP puts up activities that contribute to a person’s journey in knowing the self. Some of the activities are as follows:

  • Yoga and meditation
  • Journaling
  • Short Hike
  • Conversations over Bonfire

Please visit our event page for more details. You can also follow our Facebook and Instagram page.

Yes, we are very much open to doing partnerships with brands that are aligned to our values. Please send your proposal to [email protected].